Understanding Class IV Laser Therapy For Pain & Inflammation
Class IV Lasers emit electromagnetic light (near-infrared light waves).
When we utilize these light waves for healing, the process is called PHOTOBIOMODULATION.
Once laser light touches the skin, photons (light particles) penetrate underlying tissue and our cells absorb the light’s energy. This results in an increased production of a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
ATP is responsible for “carrying” energy in order for other cells to perform their necessary functions. It is, basically, the fuel source for all other cells. When ATP production is increased, studies have shown accelerated cell growth, tissue repair and nerve regeneration – vital criterion for expedited healing and pain relief.
We use The Remy Class IV Laser to treat pain and/or inflammation associated with the following conditions:
Before I had laser therapy, I was in so much pain that I couldn’t put any weight on my feet. After my first treatment, I could feel immediate relief; and after my second treatment I could put weight on my foot again. It’s been amazing.
– Margo
Class IV Laser therapy is a painless, non-invasive, drug-free modality that has been scientifically documented to significantly reduce, and often completely eliminate pain. The main goal of laser therapy is to stimulate cells to perform their natural functions, but at a rate that expedites healing by up to 300 times faster than normal.
Research shows photobiomodulation results in the following:
Laser therapy activates the body’s natural lymphatic drainage system, which is necessary to rid excess fluid that collects in response to injury and causes edema/swelling. Heat, redness, discomfort and pain are often associated with swelling. In this sense, Class IV Laser therapy serves as an anti-inflammatory analgesic.
Laser therapy induces stimulation of beta-endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller and stress reliever. Beta-endorphins block the nervous system’s ability to send signals of pain to the brain.
Cell generation caused by photobiomodulation also results in the formation of capillaries within the vascular system, allowing oxygen and key nutrients to travel to damaged tissue faster. This accelerates wound healing and reduces the formation of painful scar tissue.
Q: What does the laser feel like when it’s on my skin?
A: You will be able to relax during your treatment. As the light energy activates the cells, all you will experience is a warm, soothing feeling. Patients often express feelings of comfort and enjoy their office visit.
Q: How long are treatments & how many do I need?
A: Treatment time is dependent on the size of the affected area and the severity of pain, however, most treatments are no more than ten minutes. Typically no less than six treatment sessions are recommended for desired long-term effects.
Q: Is laser therapy superior to other options?
A: Patients often have anxiety regarding cortisone injections as they may have a fear of needles in addition to the general discomfort of the injection itself. Pill-form painkillers have high addiction rates and other negative, long-term physiological effects. Topical analgesics, cortisone injections and opioids do not heal at the cellular level, making pain relief temporary. Laser therapy is needle-free, pain-free, drug-free and regenerates cells so that the body can heal itself naturally. This results in real, lasting effects vs. temporary “masking” of pain.